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  • Order number: 2525
  • Date: 12/10/2024
  • Total: $550.00
  • Payment method: Credit / Debit Card

Order details

Product Price Quantity Total
Commercial Valuation $550.00 1 $550.00
Subtotal: $550.00
Payment method: Credit / Debit Card
Total: $550.00
Entity Name:Yams Investments Superannuation Fund
Street Address:117A - 119A Pine Ave
City / Suburb:Mildura
State: Victoria
Expected Value Of Property:700000
Assessment Date:30/6/2023
Would you like to know if you could get a better rate?: No
Quality of the Build: Low
Is the property subject to a current transfer or sale agreement?: No
Are there any environmental / legal issues that we should be aware of: No
The instructing party certifies that the above information is correct and acknowledges that SMSF Property Valuations has relied solely upon the information provided.:1